Thursday, June 23, 2016

The posture of body resembles a Snake hence  named as Sarpasana. Meaning of the Sanskrit  word “Sarpam” is Snake.
Sarpasana(Cobra Pose) Procedure :-

1.Lie flat on your Stomach . Put the palms besides the ears . Inhale deeply and exhale.

2.Stretch your palm on the floor and bring up you chest , neck and stomach . Your hip and lower portions must be placed on the floor.

3.Straight spread your legs at the same time bend your neck backwards .

4.Try to maintain this position as long as you comfortably can.

Benefits of Sarpasana ( Cobra Pose) : -

1.This exercise improves the  lungs capacity .

2.It strengthens the back.

3.Sarpasana (Cobra Pose ) give more benefits to the back and neck region.

4.Strengthens the Arm region.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Vajrasana - Health Tip

Vajrasana comes from 2 words i.e Vajra which means diamond or thunderbolt and Asan means Seat. Vajrasana pose is known as Diamond Pose.

Steps :-
1.Sit on the floor on a mat.
2.Fold your legs and sit in such a manner that your heel touches your belt.
3.Place your hands on your lap exactly as shown in the figure above. Your may let your palms face the sky as well.
4.Hold the sitting pose for two minutes (to start with). You will feel a stinging pain in your feel if you are not habituated . You can stretch your legs and rest for a while and start again.
5.You should increase the minutes over time, It is even possible to sit on Vajrasana pose for almost half an hour (You can use pillow while initial starting ).
6.It’s considered the best to do Vajrasana just after having food but you can do it anytime.
Benefits :-
1.It helps in digestion .
2.It helps in getting rid of Constipation
3.Improves walking capacity.
4.A few minutes of Vajrasana and you
  can feel the mind calming thus helps
  you in relaxing .



Learned Relaxation system. Teaches how to relax by consciously learning relaxation.
1. Preparation: -

Room with temperature control – keep it at a comfortable 22 Degrees centigrade.

Loose comfortable clothes that help you relax.

Avoid disturbance in form of any electronic gadgets viz mobile/alarm clock.

Cover yourself with a thin blanket – you can use eye blinkers if you want – no pillows.

2.Method: -

Spread a smooth carpet on even ground. Lie down on your back comfortably keeping legs apart by around 10 cms from each other.

Keep the hands relaxed near the body with palms facing upwards and fingers slightly curled naturally.

Breathe deeply and slowly for a count of 60.

Mentally focus your concentration on right toe then on right foot right ankle and contract them.

Relax the right toe foot and ankle. Now focus attention on right calf and contract it and then relax it, repeat it with the right thigh – contract and relax the right thighs.

Now contract the whole of Right Leg and relax it.

Repeat the same method of contraction and relaxation with the left leg.Now move up and contract the whole abdomen – hold your breath for a count of 10 and relax.\

Next, contract and relax the right fingers, then contract and relax forearm and upper arm.

Contract the whole of right arm and relax it.

Repeat the method with left arm.

Contract the face and neck and then relax it.

Now contract the whole body as a whole and then relax it.

Your body is now in a relaxed state – visualize a happy moment of your life or visualize ocean or the infinite sky and breathe softly, evenly and smoothly.

Stay in this state as long as you comfortable can.

Now slowly start moving your limbs just a bit.

Next slowly turn on one side and sit comfortably.

Feel the calm and peace pervading your mind.

Remain in this state of blessedness and bliss.

3. Benefits of Shavasana :-

It relaxes your whole body. Releases stress, fatigue, depression and tension. Improves concentration. Cures insomnia. Relaxes your muscles. Calms the mind and improves mental health.
Excellent asana for stimulating blood circulation.
Beneficial for those suffering from neurological problem, asthma, constipation, diabetes, indigestion. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Health tip-Pranayama

Thought observation techniques.
1. Preparation: -

  • Spread a carpet /mat on floor or alternatively sit on a straight chair with armrests such that your feet rest comfortably on the floor and the body is straight.

2. Method: -
  • Sitting straight comfortably – watch the thoughts that arise in your mind.
  • Do not interrupt, judge or try to suppress the thoughts.
  • See if the thoughts complete themselves or just rush one after the other.
  • Maintain awareness while you watch as a non-interfering observer.
  • Over a period of time – days / weeks/months – you will see that the stream of thoughts slows down leaving gaps of pure awareness liberating tremendous energy.
  • Soak the bliss of pulsating energy and be happy!

3. Benefits  of Pranayama :-
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Lower/stabilized blood pressure
  • Increased energy levels
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Decreased feelings of stress and overwhelm

Friday, June 3, 2016

First Aid in Electric Shock.

1. Switched off the main power supply.

2.Free the victim from power contact.  Use dry stick , dry rope or dry cloth.
3.Check whether the victim is conscious or unconscious.

1. Chest Compression 

If victim is unconscious , not breathing normally, or absent of heart beats (pulse ) , do the first ‘CAB’ procedures.

2. Airway 

3.  Breathing


First Aid and CPR.

What is First Aid?
First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.


Preserve life - This includes the life of the casualty, bystander and rescuer.
Protect the casualty from further harm - Ensure the scene is safe.
Provide pain relief - This could include the use of ice packs or simply applying a sling.
Prevent the injury or illness from becoming worse - Ensure that the treatment you provide does not make the condition worse.
Provide reassurance

D - 
R - Response

C - Circulation
A -  Airway

B -  Breathing

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation :- 
1. CPR Ratio is 30:2 as per AHA guideline.
2. Chest Compression Rate :- 

  • In adult victims of cardiac arrest, it is reasonable for rescuers to perform chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120/min.
  • During manual CPR, rescuers should perform chest compressions to a depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm) for an average adult, while avoiding excessive chest compression depths (greater than 2.4 inches [6 cm]).
  • To allow full chest wall recoil after each compression, rescuers must avoid leaning on the chest between compressions

3. Breathing Rate :-